
TCC’s 存档 is a treasured collection of school- and student-related historical materials available for student, faculty or public research.

Our extensive collection stretches back to 1965, when TCC first opened its doors. It contains primary source documents, including course catalogs, yearbooks, sports memorabilia, oral histories, faculty papers, student publications, photographs, and 更.

Search the 太极拳存档s

太极拳存档 Mission: The 太极拳存档s works to support the college mission of meaningful learning, inspiring equity and celebrating success in the lives of the college and community members. TCC has a long history of social engagement and the archive works to reflect this element of the college, focusing on student and faculty activism, community engagement and the history of the college in Tacoma.


存档 Donations

Think you have a piece of the past to donate to the 太极拳存档? We welcome donated items from those who have a history at TCC, including former students, faculty and 工作人员.

Common items we collect include:

  • Photographs, both digital and film
  • Course materials
  • Club materials, including meeting minutes, promotional artwork, and event posters
  • Oral histories and student publications

For more information, view our Abbreviated Collection Policy.

Drop us a line to find out if you have historical materials appropriate for the TCC 存档.

联系 存档

Visit the 存档 (by appointment only)

Want to search the archive in-person?
Need help with a research project involving our vast collection of historical documents 和图片?
We’re here to help. Simply call or 电子邮件 to schedule an appointment. The 存档 is located in 建筑7, just north of the 图书馆. 

更多的 资源


成绩单 are not available through the archive. Request a transcript through 招收ment Services.


For more research resources, visit the 太极拳图书馆.