
Section: IV. ADSV-370
Approved By: Dr. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11
Last Review: 07/01/11
Last Revision: 07/01/11
Initial Adoption: Unknown


Sick Leave


  1. At the beginning of each appointment period, each full-time regular exempt employee 每月可享受1天病假; 从入职第一个月开始.
  2. 临时免职员工聘任6个月以上,应按病假计算 leave at the rate of one day per month for each month of full time appointment beginning 与第一个月的任命. 6个月以内的临时免职员工 appointments are not eligible to accrue sick leave, except where the temporary appointment 超过6个月,请病假自7日起算th月,并追溯前6个月.
  3. Employees on less than full-time appointments, and who are eligible to accrue sick leave, shall accrue sick leave on a pro-rata basis at a rate proportional to the employee’s FTE.
  4. Sick leave for eligible employees is earned after the completion of each month the 员工在一个月内有10天或以上处于受薪状态.
  5. Sick leave is available for use only after it is earned; sick leave may not be used in advance of its accrual.
  6. 未使用的病假可以累积到法定允许的最大值.
  7. 豁免雇员可因下列原因缺勤的最大工作日数 illness, injury, or disability without a medical certificate is ten (10) consecutive days. 连续缺勤超过十(10)天的员工必须办理 提供医疗证明,说明缺勤和出院的原因 这名雇员希望重返工作岗位. 根据员工主管的要求,员工可以 缺勤期间是否需要提交医疗证明.


根据1979年第1号特别法令第150章的授权 会议,1980年法律和RCW 41.04.第340条,大学区董事会应 establish rules for the implementation of an Attendance Incentive Program (hereinafter “病假提现”).

A. Eligible Employees

Employees eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Cashout Program shall be those exempt employees who are entitled to accumulate sick leave and for whom accurate sick 保持休假记录.

B. Sick Leave Accounts

  1. Compensation Account – The account to which all compensable sick leave days are credited. A full-time exempt employee shall accrue sick leave on a compensable basis in accordance with College policy on sick leave, but not more than one (1) day of compensable sick 每个月至少休假一次,在此期间她/他有工资状态 ten (10) days in a month.
  2. Auxiliary Account – The account to which all non-compensable sick leave days earned 在1980年6月12日之前获得豁免的雇员的工资将被记入帐户.

C. 先前累积病假

1980年6月12日以后请病假的全时免休员工,应 该等假期由薪酬及辅助帐目分摊,以便:

  1. No more than (1) day of accrued sick leave per month worked shall be credited to the compensation account for each year of services; and
  2. Any sick leave days accrued in excess of one (1) day per month for each year of service 应记入辅助账户.

D. 应计病假的使用

An exempt employee shall have all sick leave days used during a calendar year deducted 从她/他的补偿账户中. 当员工的全部补偿账户 is depleted, additional sick leave days used shall be deducted from her/his auxiliary account.

The most recently accumulated sick leave days in the exempt employee's compensation account (last-in) shall be the first days deducted from the employee's compensation account.

E. 未休病假补偿金


  1. In January of each year, and at no other time, an exempt employee whose year-end sick leave balance in the compensation account exceeds sixty (60) days may choose to convert sick leave days accrued in the previous calendar year and which have not been used 年内以货币补偿. 转换的天数不能超过 每月一(1)天,定义在 B.1.above.
  2. No sick leave days may be converted for compensation that would reduce the calendar year-end balance in the compensation account below sixty (60) days, except by reason 因退休或死亡而分离.
  3. Monetary compensation for converted days shall be at the rate of one (1) full day's 每转换四(4)天支付一次. 雇员一天的工资数额 应以转换时员工的每日工资为基础.
  4. All converted days shall be deducted from the employee's compensation account balance.
  5. An exempt employee who separates from the College on or after September 1, 1979, due to retirement or death, shall be compensated for her/his unused compensable sick leave accumulation at the rate of one (1) full day's 每转换四(4)天支付一次. 补偿以离职时员工的工资为准.

For the purpose of this subsection, retirement shall not include "vested-out-of-service" 将资金存入退休系统的员工.

F. Exclusions

  1. Compensation for unused sick leave shall be excluded from computations of retirement allowance; therefore, no contributions are to be made to the retirement system for 此种付款,也不得作为补偿报告.
  2. An exempt employee who separates from the College for any reason other than retirement 或死亡不包括在累计病假补偿中.


本政策的目的是定义和建立的条款和条件 eligibility for sick leave, accrual and use of sick leave, annual cash out of excess 病假,并在退休或死亡时兑现病假.


这项政策适用于所有获豁免的雇员. 这项政策不适用于学术 员工、分类员工、兼职临时工或志愿者.


RCW 28B.出勤奖励计划

RCW 28B.551一般休假规定


Sick Leave – leave with pay granted for the following conditions: 1) an employee’s own illness or injury, or that of an immediate family member or member of the employee’s household requiring the care and attendance of the employee; 2) by reason of exposure to a contagious disease during the period that attendance would jeopardize the health of others; 3) medical, dental or care appointments for the employee or an immediate family or household member where the employee’s presence is required; 4) making arrangement for the interment or cremation of a deceased immediate family or household member, or last rites, where the employee’s assistance is required; 5) bereavement for the death of an immediate family or household member; or 6) emergencies.

Household Member -与雇员住在同一家,并负有互惠责任的人 为彼此提供经济支持. 这个术语不包括人 sharing the same general house when the living style is predominantly that of housemates, 或者宿舍或公社.

Immediate Family Member – child (including step-child, foster child or legal ward), spouse or domestic partner, mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, mother-in-law, father-in-law, 或其他经学院院长批准的人士.

Emergency – an event that is unplanned, unforeseen and unpredictable, requiring the immediate 员工的注意力不集中,导致员工缺勤.



An employee requesting to use sick leave shall submit such request on a form and in 学院规定的礼仪.  员工需要请求和提交 requests for sick leave using the TLS (Time and Leave System) electronic system accessible from the TCC Portal.

Any exempt employee who chooses to convert her/his unused sick leave days for compensation per E.参加上述出勤奖励计划的学生必须提交书面申请 conversion to the Human Resources Office not later than the last business day of January of the subsequent year.