
第四部分:. 公元214年
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11
Last Revision: 06/29/11
Prior Revisions: 01/29/04
Initial Adoption: Unknown



A covered employee who has a complaint 或关注 1) regarding the application of 任何学院的政策,雇佣条款和条件,或其他行动 affecting the employee-employer relationship; 2) affecting the covered employee in his/her status as an employee of the 大学; and 3) not otherwise prohibited by policy, 可以利用此程序提出申诉,试图解决投诉 或关注.  A concern or complaint is not grievable if prohibited by policy.

What is Not Grievable Under this 政策

关于歧视或骚扰的投诉或关切不在此范围内 policy and procedure and should be addressed through the 大学’s policy against discrimination and/or sexual harassment.


Who May File a 不满

Only the person(s) affected by the action being grieved may file a grievance.

Where one or more persons file a grievance and the grievances are the essentially the same, the grievances may be combined and addressed as a single grievance.

Expectation to Attempt Resolution Prior to Filing a 不满

主管和员工将采取一切适当的措施来解决问题 the complaint before the formal 过程 in initiated.  The employee or supervisor 可以要求人力资源管理员协助解决投诉 或关注 before a grievance is filed.

如果讨论未能解决,投诉人可以进入正式的投诉程序 grievance procedure, but in no case more than 30 days following the action giving rise to the complaint.

If the Grievable Action was Taken by Someone At 步骤2 or 步骤3

在第二步中,被悲伤的行为是由一个人做出的,这个人是 投诉人的直接主管,可以取消第2步的正式程序.

被悲伤的行为是由步骤3的人做出的,这个人是 投诉人的直接主管,正式程序的第二步和第三步可能会被取消.


延长期限可以经双方书面协议提出 涉及到.

被申请人未在规定期限内作出答复的 complainant may advance the grievance to the next Step.

如果投诉人未能在既定的范围内向下一级提出申诉 timelines, the grievance is deemed resolved at the prior step.

Filing the 不满

投诉人可以自己的格式或使用表格提出书面申诉 prescribed 学院. Depending on the complexity and nature of the grievance, 学院可要求投诉者以指定表格重新提交申诉 学院. In this event, the complainant will be given a reasonable time to 在此期间,填妥表格和时限将被推迟. 如投诉人未有按规定在合理时间内填写表格, the grievance will be deemed to have been rescinded.


此政策的目的是定义申诉的流程,申诉的对象是 covered by this policy and the matters that are grievable. This policy is not intended 雇佣:为一个被免除的、随意雇佣的雇员订立雇佣合同或义务.

To Whom Does This 政策 Apply

这项政策适用于除学院院长以外的所有免税员工。 and classified staff that are not represented by a union. This policy does not apply 对学术雇员来说,机密雇员代表的是独家谈判 代理、兼职临时工、志愿者、学生、校长等 大学.


For Academic Employee 不满s See the Faculty Negotiated Agreement(s)

由议价代理人代表的机密雇员见机密雇员 Collective Bargaining Agreement


发牢骚的人 – the employee with the concern or complaint; the employee filing the grievance.

覆盖的员工 – an employee to whom this policy applies as defined above.

 – except where defined differently, days shall mean business days of the 大学.

不满 -根据本政策和程序提出的正式书面投诉或关注.

See 大学 政策 - 定义



投诉人应尝试以非正式方式解决有关关切或投诉 lowest level possible, usually the complainant’s immediate supervisor.


人力资源管理员将在正式面试中被告知所有的不满 过程.


不顾行动的有效性去尝试解决顾虑 或投诉,以维护投诉人的权利,使他/她得以 申诉程序在引起申诉的行为发生后30天内, 投诉人必须以书面形式向其直接主管提出申诉.  申诉必须陈述投诉、政策或其他据称违反的规定 and the remedy sought.

The supervisor and the employee discuss and attempt resolution of the grievance. 在 收到投诉后5天内,主管将对投诉人作出答复 以书面形式.

If the matter is resolved at this level, no further action shall be required.

如果投诉人对第一步的答复不满意,投诉人应当 从收到主管回复起5天内,或时间期限到期 等待主管回复,以较早者为准,将投诉转至步骤 2.


在第1步规定的时间内,投诉人必须提交一份 投诉原件和第1步对其所在部门/项目的回应副本 管理员,e.g.主任或院长.  The complainant may also attach additional documentation as to why the 步骤1 response is not satisfactory.

部门/项目管理员将与投诉人、被投诉人、 and other parties to the grievance, as appropriate, to resolve the grievance. 在 收到投诉后10天内,部门/项目管理员将予以回复 to the complainant 以书面形式.

If the matter is resolved at this level, no further action shall be required.

如果投诉人对第二步的答复不满意,投诉人应当 从收到管理员回复起5天内,还是时间期限到期 对于管理员回复(以较早者为准),将投诉转发给 步骤3.


在第2步规定的时间内,投诉人必须提交一份 向执行人员提交的原告状,以及第1步和第2步回应的副本 Staff member of his/her division (e.g. Academic Affairs, Student Services, 大学 Services, or Institutional Effectiveness). The complainant may also attach additional documentation as to why the responses at 步骤1 and 步骤2 are not satisfactory.

The Executive Staff member will meet with the complainant, the respondent(s), and other parties to the grievance, as appropriate, to resolve the grievance. 在10 行政人员会在收到投诉后的几天内回复投诉人 以书面形式.

If the matter is resolved at this level, no further action shall be required.

如果投诉人对第三步的答复不满意,投诉人应 从收到执行人员回复起有五(5)天,还是已经过期 执行工作人员答复的时间表,以较早者为准 forward the grievance to 步骤4.


在第3步规定的时间内,投诉人必须提交一份 the original grievance and a copy of the responses at 步骤1, 步骤2, and 步骤3, to the President of the 大学. The complainant may also attach additional documentation outlining factors which he/she feels have not been resolved at the prior steps. 

The President will, within ten (10) days, schedule a meeting with the complainant and other parties as he/she deems appropriate.

在会议结束后的十(10)天内,主席将以书面形式答复 complainant setting forth the decision reached. 

The decision of the President is final.