Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


经济援助接受者有望取得令人满意的学业进步 their program of study by:

  • Maintaining a quarterly 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average (平均绩点)
  • 成功完成获得资助的所有学分
  • 注册学习项目所需的课程

学分和平均绩点在每个季度末进行审查. Courses are considered successfully completed when the student earns a grade of A, b, c, d or S (as long as the quarterly 平均绩点 is a 2.0). Courses with grade of E, u, i, n or W will not be considered completed.

Qualitative Requirements:

学生 must earn a quarterly cumulative 平均绩点 of 2.0 or higher every quarter they 接受援助.


Quantitative Requirements:


If you 接受援助 based on:

You must successfully complete:

You will be placed on WARNING if you only complete:


全职 (12 or more credits) 12 credits per quarter 6 - 11 credits per quarter 6 credits per quarter

Three Quarter Time (9 -11 credits)

9 credits per quarter 5 - 8 credits per quarter 5 credits per quarter
一半的时间 (6 - 8 credits) 6 credits per quarter 3 - 5 credits per quarter 3 credits per quarter
Less than 一半的时间 (1 - 5 credits) All credits per quarter Not applicable All credits per quarter

进度是另一个量化要求. This is the ability to complete 在最长的时间框架内进行课程学习(见下文).



学生 are eligible to 接受援助. 学生 are then required to successfully complete 他们获得的学分在接下来的季度得到援助,并达到2.0的季度 平均绩点. 学生 that don't are placed on suspension. 


被停学的学生没有资格获得经济援助. 学生 who experienced extenuating circumstances can appeal. 见下文. 学生 who do not successfully complete any credits 五月 owe money back, per federal and state regulations.  This is based on their last day of attendance, as reported by their instructor.  The Financial Aid office will determine if money is owed and inform the student.


在缓刑期间的学生已经批准了经济援助暂停上诉 希望能顺利修完所有学分,平均绩点达到2分.0 and satisfy any special conditions that 五月 have been received.

Financial Aid 悬架 Appeals/Reinstatement of Aid

被停课的学生如果经历了减刑,可以上诉 情况(他们无法控制的情况,如严重疾病或受伤; 等.). 一份申诉表格(可通过学生门户网站获得),并附有适当的文件 (如适用)必须提交给财政援助办公室. 学生 must provide 对减刑情况的书面解释,还必须明确变更情况 they made to ensure future success. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will review 决定是否批准或拒绝上诉的书面上诉. 学生 are limited to two appeals. 具体来说,在获得副学士学位或经济援助资格时,最多可上诉2次 证书课程,以及在BAS课程中最多两次上诉.

被暂停经济资助且无特殊情况的学生 可以考虑恢复援助,如果他们支付(使用自己的资源) 并成功完成至少5个学分,适用于他们的学位课程. 修完这些学分后,学生必须申请恢复奖学金 写作. 学生还必须提交一份教育计划,该计划是在帮助下制定的 他们的学术顾问,以及他们的复职申请.

超过两次上诉限制的学生可以申请恢复资助 一旦他们支付了学位课程所需的足够学分(使用他们自己的学分) 资源),以满足满意的学业进步要求(提高他们的累积 平均绩点达到2.(并确保进度符合要求). 学生 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场鼓励学生向财务援助办公室询问具体的申请要求 their individual situation.


No Longer Eligible for Aid


  • 未能达到累积平均绩点2.00 after 6 quarters at TCC
  • 获得学习计划所允许的最大学分数的资助
  • Been funded for two programs of study.
  • 连续两个季度被警告或总共三个季度被警告 warning equals a suspension
  • If placed on suspension for a third time
  • Been placed on academic suspension
  • The student owes a repayment of financial aid

Maximum Time Frame

TCC将为获得证书或学位所需学分的125%提供资金. 例如,如果TCC学位通常需要90个大学学分才能毕业, TCC will fund up to 113 credits. A student 五月 petition to have up to 150% of the required credits.

所有的学分,不管它们是在经济援助或学分期间取得的 根据学术宽恕政策取消(计入学习计划) 是否用于计算要资助的最大学分数. 转移 credits 来自其他学院的,被接受用于TCC证书或学位 will also be counted. Any exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.

Developmental Credits

补修学分(100以下课程)最多可加45学分 达到其课程所允许的大学水平学分的最大数量. 当时 在年度奖励中,将对补救学分进行审查. 学生 who have exceeded 没有取得相应学位的学生将失去申请资格 aid for further classes below the 100 level. Credit courses in English as a Second 如果采取措施,语言(ESL)不算作45个开发学分的一部分 准备进入一个合格的证书或项目. ESL classes are expected to be completed in a timely manner.

学生必须努力获得合格的TCC学位或证书才能获得 financial aid. 一旦学生完成了所有要求,助学金将终止 degree or certificate. TCC will fund one associate degree. A student 五月 petition for financial aid funds for second degree. Aid for a 2nd degree will be limited and 只适用于完成第二个学位所需的特定课程. 学生 who 已经获得学士学位的学生是否有资格获得有限的资金.

Grade Point Average

参加TCC 6个或以上学期的学生必须获得2个学分.00 cumulative 平均绩点, 不管他们的入学水平如何,也不管他们在留学期间是否获得了资助 这段时间. 这将在授予学生时和学生被安置时进行审查 on 悬架.
