
第二部分:. 本月- 190
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 23年7月27日


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的学术诚信政策的目的是提供 guidance and shared language for the TCC community related to expectations of academic 标准. 学术诚信确保澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的学生将获得必要的知识 以及对他们未来的学术、专业和个人努力至关重要的技能. This aligns with our college’s values of community, responsibility, integrity, equity, 多样性、包容性、敏捷性和卓越性. 这一政策受到管理和监督 教务长 & 负责学术事务的副校长.


All members of the academic community including students, staff, faculty, and administrators.



学术欺诈行政程序(WAC) 132V-121-060

课程大纲政策-第二部分. 本月- 112


澳门威尼斯人在线赌场承认以下定义反映了西方的、主导的、规范的 学术标准. 作为学院反种族主义工作的一部分,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场致力于 considering and are mindful of diverse perspectives and experiences that may not align 这些传统的,西方的解释. 这将被视为指控 对违反此政策的行为予以处理.


作为澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的五大核心价值观之一,诚信包括 the practice of inclusion, honesty, transparency, fairness, compassion and follow-through 在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场所做的一切. 学术诚信是教职员工、 administration, and students to uphold this fundamental value of the institution while 维护无障碍标准. 以下是违反学术规定的例子 完整性:


剽窃是最常见的违反学术诚信的行为之一. 这是有意的 act of incorporating someone else's words, ideas, images, data, or other works without 注明原作者或出处的. 关键的定义和识别 抄袭是故意的(例如:将文本或其他媒体应用于……) course assignments without accurate citation to the original author or source; or 从网上购买和提交论文). 与惯例相关的期望 文件和归属可能因学科、课程和个人而异 类. 自我抄袭也是违反学术诚信的学生所在 在不披露的情况下将自己的材料提交给多个课程或作业 或者在没有得到老师许可的情况下.

  1. 滥用资料来源vs. 抄袭: An important distinction It is important to make the distinction between, and recognize 滥用资料和剽窃的例子. 如上所述,抄袭是故意的 利用他人的作品,作为自己的作品呈现. 对资料来源的滥用绝不能混为一谈 与剽窃. 误用资源的学生是由多种因素造成的 including cultural perspective; misunderstanding of their role in research-based-writing; lack of prior consistency, support, or practice; or lack of confidence. 的例子 misuse of sources include an overreliance on source text in their own work, including “patch” writing (when paraphrasing falls too close to the original words of a source); 或者没有正确或恰当地引用. 误用来源必须被视为 这是一次教学机会,而不是对学术诚信的侵犯. 请 见写作项目管理员委员会 最佳做法声明 关于剽窃和滥用资料.

作弊 is an intentional disregard of instructions to gain unearned advantage during 正式的学术评估或活动. 作弊的例子可能包括但有 not limited to continuing to write after the exam time has ended; submitting work performed by others; promoting the work of another source or individual as your own; allowing another person to copy your work; or using unauthorized materials to assist 你的工作(比如生成式人工智能). 此外,帮助 另一名学生或在考试、测验中接受他人未经批准的帮助, 作业,或考试,和项目,没有导师的明确许可可能 也被认为是作弊.


Knowingly or negligently engaging in behavior that assists another student in a violation 学术诚信.


损害等级和/或测试环境,或特定的测试条件; 禁止为自己和/或他人创造不公平的优势. 例子 include tampering with grades; taking part in obtaining or disturbing any part of an exam prior to the scheduled testing time; falsification of documentation or information submitted to the college; or selling or giving away test answers and changing or altering 分数:考试或成绩簿上的分数.


损害等级和/或测试环境,或特定的测试条件; 禁止为自己和/或他人创造不公平的优势. 例子 include tampering with grades; taking part in obtaining or disturbing any part of an exam prior to the scheduled testing time; falsification of documentation or information submitted to the college; or selling or giving away test answers and changing or altering 分数:考试或成绩簿上的分数.


捏造或伪造结果或研究数据. 利用捏造的数据、信息, 或在课堂作业或考试中使用未经授权的材料. 伪造包括提供 错误地描述行为和经历的文件. 例如,提供 false documentation of having attended an event in order to get extra credit, or providing false documentation of completion of service learning, clinical, or other field experience.


未能遵守适用于特定职业的道德标准; clinical or internship site, which the student has agreed to abide by as part of their 学习课程. 例如,NSPE工程师道德规范说明了期望 that individuals will "Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public". 同样,提交伪造的临床日志或伪造临床站点联系人 signature or knowingly are also examples that violate professional and ethical 标准 临床站点的.


故意隐瞒信息,破坏其他学生的作业,或者 damaging course materials so as to create an academic disadvantage for another individual.


参考文献 to Artificial 情报 (AI) in this policy refer to Generative Artificial 情报. 生成式人工智能(gAI)是指能够生成的人工智能 从现有内容(包括文本、音频文件或图像)构建的新颖内容. 学术诚信 must acknowledge the continued growth and sophistication of artificial 智能(AI),特别是生成式人工智能. 学生(和 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场校园社区的其他成员)正在使用gAI,娱乐,学术, 专业方面,从Microsoft 365 Copilot, dell - e到ChatGPT. 生成式AI是 不会消失,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的学生和澳门威尼斯人在线赌场对它的使用也不会消失. 目前,作为一个校园,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场 have yet to fully understand the implications of gAI in student work, and in the context 学术诚信. 这不像制定一项学术诚信政策那么简单 关于它,或者更糟,反对它. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场可能不得不重新考虑澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的目标 our students, and the kinds of work we assign them to meet those goals, to both leverage gAI as a tool of learning and creativity, and to reduce their reliance on it in favor of continuing skill development as writers, and as users and producers of information. Creating a culture 学术诚信, as a feature of instruction, as an opportunity 为了公平和包容,也因为对动态世界的动态回应需要 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场每个人都有责任为这一巨变做出贡献并加以推动.


  1. 学者 标准 for a specific degree or certificate shall be developed collaboratively 由系或项目的教员和负责学位的系主任颁发. 的 Curriculum Committee shall provide oversight, subject to approval by the College’s 负责学术事务的副校长.
  2. Academic 标准 particular to a specific course shall be established by the course’s 讲师和应在课程大纲中列出.
  3. 每位教师应向学生提供一份课程大纲. 的 课程大纲应至少包括:
    1. the instructor’s expectations and requirements regarding class attendance and performance, 包括评分政策
    2. 上课时间,老师的澳门威尼斯人在线赌场和办公时间
    3. 书籍和其他所需材料
    4. 测试和评估学生作业的程序
    5. the 学术标准 for the degree or certificate program which the course is offered
    6. 违反学术诚信的行为清单
    7. a link to the current 学术诚信政策 and clearly stated consequences related 任何涉嫌违反学术诚信的行为. 不同学科的结果可能不同, courses and individual 类 and should align with the College’s mission and values.
  4. Final grades are awarded based on the instructor’s assessment of a student’s performance 大纲中有概述. 教师负责解释评分标准 透过作业指示及/或细则进行个别活动. 老师的 对学生成绩的评估不应武断、反复无常或有偏见.
  1. All members of the academic community shall act ethically and with personal responsibility to uphold the College’s Core Value of Integrity – the practice of inclusion, honesty, 透明,同情,公平,信任,坚持澳门威尼斯人在线赌场所做的一切.
  2. 学术团体的所有成员应避免从事违反 如上所述的学术诚信.
  3. All members of the academic community shall demonstrate respect for diverse perspectives 并以一种表现出文明和 礼貌而不造成对他人的伤害.
  4. All members of the academic community shall behave in a 的方式 that does not disturb, 干扰或以其他方式干扰学术环境.
  5. Professors shall provide syllabi that clearly state individual expectations, policies, 与学术诚信相关的实践和要求. 后果可能
    不同的教授,但核心价值观和学术诚信的期望 在整个机构内保持一致.
  6. Professors shall provide clear guidelines for all assignments, assessments, and course expectations, and will evaluate all student work in a timely, equitable, and transparent 的方式.
  7. Students have the responsibility to understand and adhere to the policies, requirements, 以及他们对所选课程的期望.
  8. Students are responsible for learning the conventions of documentation and acknowledgment 符合课程要求的资料来源.
  9. While academic sanctions for acts that violate 的 College’s 学术诚信政策 may vary with the situation and the individual instructor, alleged violations of academic integrity shall be handled in a 的方式 that reflects 的 College’s commitment to impartial, 一贯、公平地实施政策.
  10. Professors may pursue sanctions outlined in the syllabus or the College’s Administrative 学术不诚实的程序,例如违反学院的学术 完整的政策.


Violations of 学术诚信 are subject to the procedures outlined in the College’s 学术失信行政程序. 所有学生都有应得的权利 process as outlined in this procedure and may access support in this process through 学生事务处.